Saturday, July 11, 2009

Marketing Meeting Update

We would like to welcome Bill McDonnell to the Visceral team. Bill is joining the group to help guide and direct the Visceral marketing campaign. Highly professional and talented, Bill was a star. He came to the meeting having already formulated a few great ideas and even show a few photos of his own. You can check out Bill's work at Rivet 2&3d. Again, Welcome Bill!

Of course, we could not talk about the meeting and not say something about Corrie Vela from Helpers. She always has a new idea and is not shy to bounce them around. It's incredible the kind of ideas that form from this kind of brainstorming session. Thanks Corrie for all your help.

As always, there is more to come so stay tuned. We are going to have a great time and an awesome show. Keep clicking!

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1 comment:

Michael Fajardo said...

Great meeting. Welcome Bill!

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